Monday, January 31, 2011

Pinch and a Palate

There are 26 of them. Children sing a song about them. They form words. We read them, say them, and curse them. ( I also beat my friends in 'Words With Friends' using them). I'm talking about the ALPHABET.

It was a few months back when Nicole and I first heard of the alphabet challenge.  It seemed like a fun, unique and interesting way to expand our palettes. Plain and simple: we were bored of eating at the "usuals" like Spaghetti Factory and Red Robin. So instead of reading, saying, and cursing the alphabet we thought we could EAT it... seems normal right?! 

How it works: each month, Greg (Husband), myself and our adventurous friends will eat food from around the world, one country at a time, starting with A. 26 months of culinary adventure. (Hopefully we are all still friends 2 years from now... :) ).

So this blog is about refining our palates, one pinch at a time. Each month I will review the "country" we traveled to, the food we ate and the atmosphere we encountered. Luckily for the 2 people reading this blog (I'll force Greg to read it), it won't stop there. I'll also include random thoughts about baking, cooking and my favorite recipes. 

Happy travels! I'll see you at 'A'.


  1. This is awesome!! I can't wait to follow your journey. You know I am a sucker for great culinary adventures!!!!

  2. Looking forward to your adventure and sharing in it with you along the way. Xoxo, Ali

  3. Lis! I love this! We attempted to this with Kim and Jimmy when we were living at our old apartment. We made it to Afghani food and then..... well we're still trying to decide where to go for B! I'm sure it'll work out better for you guys! :)

  4. I had afghan food in france once, very different, but fun. I am so sad that I am not there to join in! Ben and I would love it, maybe if we visit/come home in time we can join at the end! Also, I think when you come to E, that you should come and visit England, and then you can eat real English food!!!! Free place to stay!

  5. Pretty sure you already took care of A.. so I was thinking that for B, Bellingham cuisine would be a great and super exotic option ;) Just know that you have an anxious Bellingham diner who would love take you out! Just throwing that out there...
